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Province VIII

Diocese of Oregon




Matthew David Morris

Email Address: 

  • Beloved Community on Campus is an experimental approach to campus ministry in the diocese  that begins with the question: What does it mean to create Beloved Community on a college campus? Our two-fold mission: • To engage the broader student body by hosting Beloved Community dialogues on campus with national and regional faith leaders and justice workers, college faculty, and community members. • To offer opportunities for worship and fellowship that introduce students to Episcopal liturgy and practice. We are seeking to build relationships with other campus ministries that are excited by this new approach. 

Diocese of San Joaquin




Canon Anna Carmichael

Email Address: 

The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, located in Province 8, has recently appointed the Anti-Racism & Racial Reconciliation Commission. Our ministry is four-fold: 1) to raise up leaders in each congregation committed to the work of becoming anti-racist and partner with the Commission to share the ministry in their local congregation; 2) to provide educational opportunities to members of the diocese; 3) to provide resources to congregations; 4) to respond with gospel based actions to incidents of violence, discrimination, and racist systems/policies. Contacts: The Rev. Deacon Stephen Bentley ( The Rev. Canon Anna Carmichael (

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