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Image by JJ Ying



This new training is the result of a collaboration between the Center and the Office of Youth Ministries of the Diocese of Atlanta with the goal of bringing the work of dismantling racism to young people. We are now excited to share our work with anyone and everyone. Let us continue to be Christians that address tough issues choosing love over all else.

Curriculum Materials

  • A Leader Guide

  • Student Journals

  • At least 1 video for each lesson

Curriculum Overview

  • Lesson 1—Introduction and Covenant

    • Creating an agreement on how we will relate to God, each other, and ourselves in discussing this subject, and learning the stories of those who have already started to dismantle the effects of racism in their own lives.

  • Lesson 2—God, The Artist

    • Witnessing the beautiful diversity of all God’s creation, including all of humanity, and recognizing that every people, race, language, culture, and ethnicity on earth bears God’s image, revealing something wonderful about who God is.

  • Lesson 3—History of Racism in America: How we Got Here

    • Bringing to light the deep roots of systemic racism throughout our country’s history is needed before we can truly understand the pain from racism we are seeing today, and what is needed to dismantle it.

  • Lesson 4—White Privilege

    • ​Understanding how racist systems give advantages to certain groups (and disadvantage others), and how to respond when we find ourselves in a place of privilege. 

  • Lesson 5—Internalized Oppression

    • Understanding how racism negatively affects disadvantaged groups, particularly their understanding of their own identity, and beginning to choose God’s understanding of what makes people valuable.

  • Lesson 6—Repentance, Healing, and Reconciliation

    • Understanding that even though we didn’t create racism, we have a responsibility to dismantle it, and, learning from the example of the Prophets, we will start to turn toward each other through naming racism in all its forms as sin, and resolving to turn away from (confession and repentance).

Qualifications for Curriculum Use

By fulfilling the below requirements, you will be able to use the Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum in your church or diocese.​

  1. Complete Dismantling Racism Training of the Episcopal Church

  2. Attend a Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum Training

Please contact Sally Ulrey for details.  Materials are available through Church Publishing. A link is 

Want to view a sample video? Contact us for a direct link. 



Check out our NEW Children's Dismantling Racism Training.  

Information can be found 


Sally Ulrey

(404) 601-5320

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